BIPV: enjoy the innovative future of solar energy

BIPV makes it possible to generate solar energy in an aesthetically pleasing and functional way.
Would you like to start a BIPV project?
Then you are most welcome at E-Activ.
We have specialized in innovative solar energy systems for many years and are therefore your ideal partner.

What is BIPV?

It is impossible to imagine the streets without them: facades or roofs with solar panels.
But why use building materials and install solar panels on top of them if you can do it differently?

BIPV, also known as Building Integrated Photovoltaics, are solar panels that are seamlessly integrated into the building envelope of a building, such as roofs, facades and windows.
By choosing BIPV, you can not only generate energy in a sustainable way, but also enjoy an aesthetically pleasing and functional building.

The benefits of BIPV

Do you choose panels integrated into your building material?
Then you will enjoy a wide range of benefits that not only improve your energy efficiency, but also contribute to a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing building solution.
You can read more about them below:

Solar cells have 2 functions

A solar cell has 2 functions: it produces electricity and keeps your building from heating up too quickly.
Thanks to our solutions, you can therefore enjoy a pleasant indoor climate in your building and save up to 15% on your building’s total cooling requirements.

BIPV: ideal for aesthetics and design

One of the biggest advantages is the aesthetic value.
BIPV systems are designed to blend seamlessly into the architecture of a building.
This makes them particularly suitable for buildings where appearance is important, such as commercial properties, historic buildings and modern buildings.
So you enjoy the benefits of solar energy without having to compromise on the design of your building.

Space saving

Thanks to these panels, you save space because they are integrated into the existing building elements.
This is especially advantageous in urban environments where space is limited.
Instead of using extra space for a traditional solar installation, BIPV makes the best use of the available area of your building.


BIPV is a sustainable solution because it reduces the need to produce and install separate building materials and solar panels.
This means fewer raw materials and energy consumption during manufacturing and installation, contributing to a lower carbon footprint.

Energy Efficiency

Our systems contribute to the energy efficiency of a building.
Not only do they help generate electricity, but they can also help improve insulation and reduce energy costs.
By incorporating BIPV into facades and windows, your building benefits from both solar energy and improved thermal performance.

Applications of BIPV

This unique way of generating solar energy can be used for a variety of applications:

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Residentiële gebouwen

Voor woningen biedt BIPV een elegante en functionele manier om zonne-energie te integreren. Daken, gevels en zelfs ramen kunnen worden uitgerust met deze panelen, waardoor uw huis niet alleen energiezuiniger maar ook moderner en aantrekkelijker wordt. Of u nu een nieuw huis bouwt of uw bestaande woning renoveert, BIPV biedt een naadloze en esthetische oplossing.

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Commerciële gebouwen

In commerciële gebouwen kan BIPV bijdragen aan een groen imago en lagere energiekosten. Bedrijfspanden, winkelcentra en kantoren kunnen allemaal profiteren van de integratie van BIPV. De systemen kunnen worden aangepast aan de architectonische stijl van het gebouw, waardoor ze ideaal zijn voor zowel nieuwe bouwprojecten als renovaties.

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Openbare gebouwen

Ook openbare gebouwen zoals scholen, ziekenhuizen en overheidsgebouwen kunnen profiteren van BIPV. Door zonne-energie te integreren in de bouwmaterialen, kunnen deze gebouwen bijdragen aan de verduurzaming van de gemeenschap en een voorbeeld stellen op het gebied van milieuvriendelijke technologieën.

Why choose E-Activ?

Our project approach really makes a difference.
You will be guided through all the difficulties of the glass properties, the problems of wiring in the profiles, the methods of fixing the glass, the technical performance, the problems of heat development in the glazing, as well as the fire class certification.
We guarantee you a flawless project in which we assist you from A to Z.

Expertise and experience

E-Activ has years of experience in the solar industry.
Our team has the right expertise in various fields and helps choose and implement the best solution for your building.

Custom solutions

Every building is unique.
That’s why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
Whether you have a residential project or a large commercial building, we will provide a system that fits your situation perfectly.

Quality and reliability

At E-Activ, we manufacture and install only the highest quality products.
Our systems are durable, efficient and reliable.
You can count on a long service life and excellent performance of your installation.

Excellent customer service

Our customer service is at the forefront of everything we do.
We will guide you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to installation and aftercare.
Our team is always ready to answer your questions and resolve any issues quickly.

Ask us for more information

At E-Activ, we are dedicated to providing high-quality BIPV solar panels that meet your specific needs.
Do you have any specific questions or would like to get more information?
Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you further.